Gandini Juggling tours Indonesia

Gandini Juggling performed Smashed as part of the Art Summit Indonesia and Sirkus Sastra festivals

9 Jugglers, 80 apples and 4 crockery sets make up the performance of ‘Smashed’ by Gandini Juggling which toured to 3 cities in Indonesia in October 2013; giving juggling masterclasses en route. 

  • Juggling workshop by Gandini Juggling

Art Summit Indonesia VII 2013, in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, invited Gandini Juggling to perform their show Smashed in Jakarta and Solo. Art Summit Indonesia takes place every three years and is designed to bring together leading artists from around the world to showcase their work and share expertise. In 2013 the participating countries were: UK, Korea, Austria, Germany, USA, Thailand, China. In addition to three performances at the Art Summit, Gandini Juggling also lead a practical workshop in juggling skills in Yogyakarta.

After performing at the closing ceremony of the Arts Summit Indonesia, Gandini Juggling travelled back to Jakarta to perform at the Salihara Literary Biennale which had a circus theme for 2013. The festival is organized by the Salihara Community and combines not just literature, but also other disciplines such as performing and visual arts by local artists, and in 2013 featured artists from the UK, Japan and France.

Gandini Juggling have written a blog about their experience of performing in Indonesia, and the British Council Indonesia website contains some reviews of Gandini Juggling’s tour.



  • Jakarta, Indonesia

    22nd Oct 2013 - 23rd Oct 2013

    Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
    Jl. Gedung Kesenian
    No. 1 Jakarta Pusat

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    23rd Oct 2013 - 24th Oct 2013

    ISI Yogyakarta
    Jl. Parangtritis Km. 6.5 Sewon
    Bantul Yogyakarta

  • Surakarta, Indonesia

    25th Oct 2013 - 26th Oct 2013

    Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta
    Gedung Teater Besar ISI Surakarta
    Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 19 Kentingan

  • Jakarta, Indonesia

    27th Oct 2013 - 28th Oct 2013

    Salihara Literary Biennale
    Jl. Salihara No.16 
    Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520

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