Round up: Get ready for Edinburgh Showcase 2019

| by Harriet Guest

Tags: Dance Edinburgh Showcase Festivals Theatre Live art

Trauma, identity and human rights: artists in Edinburgh Showcase 2019 are holding a mirror up to contemporary society. Catch up with the latest stories about this year's programme before the Showcase kicks off in August at the Edinburgh Festivals

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Announcing the Edinburgh Showcase 2019 programme

We're excited to reveal our programme of 30 compelling productions, featuring burgers, blood and #MeToo influences. 

The British Council's Edinburgh Showcase is the single biggest opportunity for UK theatre and dance companies to introduce their work to international promoters. The 2019 programme throws a fascinating spotlight on what's on the minds of UK artists. There's a surge of performances questioning, gender, identity, disability and race – with lots of female-led work.
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Hackney showroomTravis Alabanza in BURGERZ. Photo: Holly Revell

You react to the programme announcement

"This is one of the best Showcases yet, wow"

We've put together some of your responses on Twitter to our announcement of this year's Edinburgh Showcase programme. Follow us @UKTheatreDance, follow the hashtag #EdShowcase or sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear new updates.
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Discover the Edinburgh Showcase 2019 programme

Want to find out more about the 30 productions that make up this year's Edinburgh Showcase? Here's a quick guide to every show before the Edinburgh Festivals begin this August.
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Nikki and JD

"Reaching across borders, languages and practices"

What's exciting about the current UK performance landscape? We ask members of the Edinburgh Showcase 2019 curatorial panel about how the UK compares to other countries, working across borders, and this year's Showcase.
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"My career has gone from national to international"

Artists and producers who have taken part in previous Edinburgh Showcase programmes talk about the impact the Showcase has had on their careers – and their lives.
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Get involved:


Buy tickets:

Although Edinburgh Showcase networking events are by invitation only, anyone can buy tickets for the performances through the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Edinburgh International Festival box offices.


Apply to be an Edinburgh Showcase delegate:

If you're a performing arts programmer based outside the UK and you're interested in being an international delegate, speak to your local British Council arts contact or complete the online application form. Please email if you have any questions.

Recommended Shows:

The British Council seeks out new work in Edinburgh once the festivals begin for our Recommended Shows. These are productions that we announce on the week of the Edinburgh Showcase and recommend as new hot tips to our delegates. There will be members of our Theatre and Dance team in Edinburgh throughout August seeing performances to recommend from amongst the thousands of shows at the festivals. Email if you have a show in Edinburgh that you'd like us to consider. We'll add it to our list and will do our very best to attend.


Find out more:

We'll be releasing a feast of blogs and videos over the summer so keep an eye on this website, follow us on Twitter @UKTheatreDance and sign up to our newsletter.


The Edinburgh Showcase is a British Council initiative in partnership with Arts Council EnglandCreative ScotlandArts Council of Wales and Wales Arts International.

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